Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Scramble Dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca Permulaan Pada Kelas 1 SDN Tambakan 1


  • Ayu Padilah SDN TAMBAKAN


This study is background by the low problem of student reading skills, there are even
some students who have not been able to distinguish letters, then the need for application of learning
models to improve start-reading skills by using a dramble cooperative learning model. The purpose
of this study is to find out: cooperative learning model scramble for grade 1 students of SDN
Tambakan 1 at the time of pretests and postes of experimental classes. Conventional learning model
for grade 1 SDN Tambakan 1 students at the time of pretes and control class postes. What is the

effect of scrambel Cooperative learning model and conventional learning in improving the start-
reading skills in grade 1 SDN Tambakan 1 students at the time of experimental and control class

posts. This type of research is Quasi Experiment research. The population of this study is the whole
class 1 SDN Tambakan 1. The sample is determined through the Total Sampling technique. Based
on the technique, obtained class 1-A as an experimental class (with a Sramble cooperative learning
model) and class 1-B as a control class (with Conventional methods). The data analyzed in this
study is the result of reading the beginning collected through the objective test of oral tests (reading
the beginning). Data is analyzed by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (test-t).
The findings of this study as follows: Experimental classes experience an increase in average value
from after using the scramble model, (pre-test) 75.81 % - (post-test) 81.48 % average value increase
for the use of scramble cooperative learning models in improving the starting reading skills by 5.6
%. The control class has increased average value by 3.14 % with average value (pretes) 76.67 % -
(postes) 79.81 %. To see the comparison of the influence of the experimental class and the control
class in improving the skill to read the surface by testing N-gain the score. Based on the N-Gain
hypothesis test, it is seen that the value of Thitung is 1.130 > Ttabel 1.682 on the 0.05 significance
level So Ho's conclusion was accepted by Ha, it was rejected which showed that the results of the
experimental class and control that had been tested by N-gain did not show significant results to
improve the to improve the start-reading skill.


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