Pengaruh Metode The Power Of Two Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Akidah Akhlak Di Mts Manbatul Fikri Curugrendeng
Study this low background results study student in learning creed morals. This is caused because
learning that doesn't varied with use method learning so that student no interested in follow classroom
learning. Study this aim for knowing reality, influence, as well connection Among Method the power of
two with results study students at Mts Manbatul Fikri Curugrendeng . With using quantitative data.
Method used in study is method type study pre-experimental design namely study one design group pretest
and posttest. As for the subject research used that is student class VIII Mts Manbatul Fikri Curugrendeng.
Based on the results of data processing obtained score reality of 3.59. the value including description
effective. So there is reality method the power of two at Mts Manbatul Fikri Curugrendeng. From the
calculation of the t-test obtained sig. 0.000 < 0.05, then could concluded that there is influence Among
method The power of two with results study student. From calculations correlation obtained sig. of 0.008
<0.05, then could concluded there is connection Among Method The power of two with results study
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